The redlined map

A rough trip itinerary, as follows:

Note: Along the way, we’ll be trying to hook up with any volunteer outfits we may find, in which case this plan may get temporarily derailed for days/weeks at a time (for a good cause).

  • Land in Hong Kong Jan 3; introduce new wife to potentially wary relatives.
  • Head north into China proper; buy cheap Chinese puffy jackets for chilly continental winter; take in the nice brochure-worthy river scenary. Attempt in vain to explain why this Chinese boy doesn’t speak Mandarin. (We decided to add this leg because even with the Chinese visas it’s still cheaper than flying to Hanoi, for whatever reason).
  • Head south to Vietnamese border; head by hydrofoil to north-Vietnamese coastal area and bask in surprisingly chilly temperatures.
  • Hanoi, NW Vietnam, and south to Ho Chi Minh City at a leisurely pace. Ditch winter clothes along the way (10’C in Hanoi, >30’C in HCMC). Mekong River delta, then up through to Cambodia and Phnom Penh.
  • Slow boat (?) to Siem Riep and Angkor. Westward over (a) notorious axle-busting road and/or (b) mud-skipping river ferry to Thai border.
  • Onward to Ko Chang and south-Thai coast and islands in general; bask in (by now) sizzling beach-appropriate temperatures.
  • Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and we’re not really sure yet, but I’m sure something will come up (dashed line).
  • South to Phuket, potential island-hopping (dashed line), and southward still to Malaysia and Georgetown.
  • Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, and Singapore. Blow remainder of money on electronic gadgets.
  • Fly to Hong Kong; prepare for trip back to staid reality; return to same April 18.

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